Happy New Year! (And 2013 in Review)

2013 was one of the most trying and most amazing years for me so far.  In January 2013 I had no idea what kind of year I was in for. Let’s review.

January: Still going between Seattle and San Francisco and still trying to figure out if we would stay or go. My guy went, but it wasn’t a definite stay. Limbo continues. Better than bi-coastal by FAR.

BB Seattle

February: Same. I was going to work, going to the gym, and going to Seattle. But incidentally, B was starting to spend a great deal of time back in San Francisco when he was able.

March: After spotting a billboard that showed an ad for Team in Training registration for the Nike Women’s Half Marathon I said to B, “Oh they do a half here? Maybe someday I will do that….” (I had no idea just what that statement would mean later). Annnnnd…..I became an auntie again to a beautiful little baby nephew!

April: Co-worker emails me asking if I would consider signing up for Team in Training Fall for Nike Women’s. (Seriously). It’s a sign, of course I said yes.  2 weeks later while celebrating Marathon Monday from the West Coast (if you’re from New England, this is a holiday wherever you may now be), I watched terror unfold on the computer from my office. The next few weeks were a horrible blur.  Life-changing, sad, scary, unbelievable blur. Officially signed up for TNT and thus began an amazing journey.


Copley 2Spot


May: Lost a very dear friend, far too soon in a terrible accident back East. Heartbroken. Learned that she died trying to save a friend that had fallen into the ocean on the coast of Rockport, MA. Both, unfortunately were lost. Evelyn Howe was one of those amazing people that you are blessed to get to know. Was a big sister to me when we lived in the same building in Newton. I think about she and her son, a 20 y/o college student, every single day.

June: Back to Boston for a weekend for the Promising Pals end of year breakfast. I have volunteered in this program for 5 years through my grad school, Simmons College, in partnership with the James P. Timilty Middle School in Roxbury, MA. Mentoring and pen-paling with a middle-school student for the year. This event is AWESOME.  You can read about it by Clicking Here. Training with The Team also began in June. (Holy crap, I’m actually doing this!)

Boston 2013

July: GREAT friends back east got married! YAY P&K! We also spent a glorious few days in Boston disconnected on our first actual vaca in 4 years. And then I came back and got strep throat. Totally worth it.

August: Continuing to raise money to cure cancer. 2 months til NWHM and I haven’t given up yet!  B, officially moves back to San Francisco!!! After 4.5 years, three moves, three states and almost 5,000 miles apart, we AGAIN are in the same state.  LOVE.

Team September            Team Bridge

September: Running, running, and more running. NWHM is a month away. What the heck am I going to do when this is over? Also, my honoree, Maggie, got her bone marrow transplant! YAY! #cancersucks I also realized that I, for better or worse, am a runner. Sure, why not do the Big Sur Half Marathon in November. #crazygirl

September 2           September 3

October: NWHM month! I actually started this journey in April. I actually finished it. On 10/21 I got up with the birds, met in Union Square with thousands of other runners and I ran SF. I just did it. I finished my first half-marathon. Dang. I finished. Emotional crash. I drank the purple cool-aid. I also raised almost $3K for blood cancer research.

Finish Line TNT NWHMTeam FinishNecklace

November: Same co-worker and I decide to apply to come back to Team in Training as Mentors for the Spring Season. #GOTEAM!  I ran the Big Sur Half Marathon. By run, I mean run-hobble or runble. Mile 9 my plantar fasciitis really started to bother me and I just couldn’t run. I could barely walk.  Cursing my foot. But I finished! It’s now my Keri Strug race.

FootSleepBig Sur Selfie


December: Training for the Spring Season of Team in Training begins! San Luis Obispo Half Marathon here I come.  Getting ready for the Hot Chocolate 15K in January. Putting together my 2014 race calendar. Oh and have a raging case of shin splints. Holiday season means fewer work days which means plenty of time to #RICE. I also had the honor of spending a patient’s last hours with him. This changed my life. I hope to live a more authentic, meaningful, positive, charitable, kind life. In those hours he asked me what I do outside of work and we talked about running and half-marathons. He wrote me a note that said, “Half? Go all the way!”

In the spirit of living all the way, I welcome 2014. I will raise the bar and challenge myself. Live as authentically as I can, worry less and run more.  How will you  live all the way this year?

Happy New Year Friends!!

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